Without using this vision, you will be left with no option but to open all stones to see the contents. The stones having red dots inside contain precious things and you can mine them for future use in the game. You can also notice the orange colored blocks indicating the presence of some ores in the blocks.

You can easily use this pack in your game and get to see the huge difference it makes to the overall game.Also the additional features in the pack enable you to spot many benefits and you will be able to improve your score without any problem.This will help you to move ahead in the game easily without getting injured.It will be exclusively beneficial during the night time as you can easily spot dangerous blocks even before you go near them.There is no need to use this pack throughout the game and you can easily turn it on to give you an XRay vision whenever you need it.In this way, you will be able to easily mine the ores and minerals from any location.However, this pack makes it very easy for you and you can easily see through the stones without any problem.You will notice that they are many times embedded in stones and you will have to break each one of them to find the ores.

This amazing resource pack will give you lots of freedom while playing the game and you will get enhanced night vision features.